ITM On-Prem (ObserveIT) Agents Prerequisites

This section describes some additional prerequisites for ITM On-Prem (ObserveIT) Agent installation.

For details about Agent installation:

Windows Agent Deployment

Mac Agent Deployment Overview

Unix/Linux Agent Deployment

ITM On-Prem (ObserveIT) Agent for Windows

All computers with ITM On-Prem (ObserveIT) Agent for Windows, must have .Net Framework 4.7.2 or higher installed

ITM On-Prem (ObserveIT) Agent for Unix/Linux

All computers with ITM On-Prem (ObserveIT) Agent for Unix/Linux, must have Library Prerequisites for Unix/Linux Agents installed.

ITM On-Prem (ObserveIT) Agent for Citrix

dlmonitor.exe process is added to the system registry according to Citrix knowledge base article CTX891671.

Related Topic:

System Installation Prerequisites